Complete photogallery is located in the following links: photos from start HERE, from Rock Theatre and Czech-German border singletrack HERE, from village Dolní Sedlo and surroundings of Kritýna HERE and HERE, finish, winning ceremony of adults HERE a children race HERE. Video from static camera near Rock Theatre.
Complete photogallery is located in the following links: photos from start, finish and winning ceremony of adults HERE, from routes 50/80km above village Dolní Suchá HERE, all routes (30/50/80km) from Czech-German border singletrack HERE and Rock Theatre under Rock of Pop HERE. Children race HERE.
Complete photogallery is located in the following links: photos from downhill of Virgins Hill (Panenská Hůrka; 80km) and Czech-German border singletrack (50/80km) HERE, photos from area of Jítrava (50/30km) HERE.
Complete photogallery is located in the following links: photos from 50 and 80km HERE, photos from finish and winning ceremony of children and adults HERE.